
Parquet4s supports both reading partitions and partitioning data during writing. Writing partitioned data is available only in Akka / Pekko and FS2 modules. Reading partitions is enabled by default in all Parquet4S modules.

Akka / Pekko & FS2

Reading partitions is handled by default by fromParquet function. Before data is read Parquet4s scans the directory and resolves partition fields and values. After reading, each record is enriched according to the partition directory tree the file resides in.

Writing partitioned data is available in viaParquet. You can specify by which columns data shall be partitioned and Parquet4s will automatically create the proper directory structure, and it will remove the fields from the written records (so that there is no data redundancy).


Since version 2.12.0 Parquet4S always reads partitioned data. Writing partitions is not supported in core module.

Take note!

  • The partition field must be a String.
  • The field cannot be null, be an Option or belong to the collection.
  • When reading partitioned data make sure that partition directory names follow Hive format.
  • Parquet4s takes care of building proper schemas for partitioned data. However, when you use a custom type and a custom schema definition remember not to include the partition field in the schema — because it is supposed to be encoded as a directory name.

In Akka:

import akka.NotUsed
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.{Col, ParquetStreams, Path}

object AkkaExample extends App {

  implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
  import actorSystem.dispatcher

  case class PartitionDate(year: String, month: String, day: String)
  case class User(id: Long, name: String, date: PartitionDate)

  val users: Source[User, NotUsed] = ???
  val path = Path("path/to/user/directory")

  def writePartitionedData = users.via(
      .partitionBy(Col("date.year"), Col("date.month"), Col(""))
  ).runForeach(user => println(s"Just wrote $user"))

  def readPartitionedData = ParquetStreams
    .runForeach(user => println(s"Just read $user"))

  for {
    _ <- writePartitionedData
    _ <- readPartitionedData
    _ <- actorSystem.terminate()
  } yield ()


In Pekko:

import org.apache.pekko.NotUsed
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.{Col, ParquetStreams, Path}

object PekkoExample extends App {

  implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
  import actorSystem.dispatcher

  case class PartitionDate(year: String, month: String, day: String)
  case class User(id: Long, name: String, date: PartitionDate)

  val users: Source[User, NotUsed] = ???
  val path = Path("path/to/user/directory")

  def writePartitionedData = users.via(
      .partitionBy(Col("date.year"), Col("date.month"), Col(""))
  ).runForeach(user => println(s"Just wrote $user")))

  def readPartitionedData = ParquetStreams
    .runForeach(user => println(s"Just read $user"))

  for {
    _ <- writePartitionedData
    _ <- readPartitionedData
    _ <- actorSystem.terminate()
  } yield ()


In FS2:

import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.parquet.{fromParquet, viaParquet}
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.{Col, Path}
import fs2.Stream

object FS2Example extends IOApp.Simple {

  case class PartitionDate(year: String, month: String, day: String)
  case class User(id: Long, name: String, date: PartitionDate)

  val users: Stream[IO, User] = ???
  val path = Path("path/to/user/directory")
  val writePipe =
      .partitionBy(Col("date.year"), Col("date.month"), Col(""))
  val readStream =

  def run: IO[Unit] =  

In core:

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.{Col, ParquetReader, ParquetStreams, Path}

object CoreExample extends App {

  case class PartitionDate(year: String, month: String, day: String)
  case class User(id: Long, name: String, date: PartitionDate)

  val path = Path("path/to/user/directory")

  val users =[User].read(path)
  try users.foreach(println)
  finally users.close()
